A v kolika skladbách vlastně tohle čarovné slůvko uslyšíte? My vám je všechny vypíšeme: "These Colours Don't Run", "Outsider Heart", Devil's Island", "Gravedigger", "Naysayer", "Broken Cross", "Dead Man Talking", "C.A.N.C.E.R.", "Youth Is Wasted on the Young", "The Distant Blue", "The Shadow of Doubt", "Nihilist", "Deathwish", "Phantom Fear", "Gone with the Wind", "The Empty Hourglass", "A Match Made in Heaven", "Gravity", "From the Wilderness". Nemáte zač.
Jsme zvědaví, kolikrát "blegh" zazní 25. ledna v pražském Foru Karlín.