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Iggy Pop - Lust For Life

VIDEO: Iggy Pop si to stále dává jako mladík

Vydáno: 16.05.2016 17:10 v sekci Video - Petr Adámek | foto: facebook interpreta

Iggy Pop prostě nestárne. V pořadu Jimmyho Kimmela vypálil devětašedesátiletý muzikant svoji nejslavnější pecku "Lust For Life" s energií, jako by mu bylo dvacet.

IGGY Pop performed ‘Lust For Life’ with his current supergroup featuring the likes of Matt Helders, Dean Fertita and Josh Homme.

Jumping out from backstage just like he did in his twenties, the 69-year-old legend performed the classic Iggy track for Jimmy Kimmel alongside other members of his current supergroup band.

The very special version of the track has been given the ‘Post Pop Depression’ twist, with members of Arctic Monkeys and Queens of the Stone Age in tow.

- See more at: http://www.tenementtv.com/news/iggy-pop-josh-homme-matt-helders-perform-lust-life/#sthash.sOpb1Ass.dpuf
IGGY Pop performed ‘Lust For Life’ with his current supergroup featuring the likes of Matt Helders, Dean Fertita and Josh Homme.

Jumping out from backstage just like he did in his twenties, the 69-year-old legend performed the classic Iggy track for Jimmy Kimmel alongside other members of his current supergroup band.

The very special version of the track has been given the ‘Post Pop Depression’ twist, with members of Arctic Monkeys and Queens of the Stone Age in tow.

- See more at: http://www.tenementtv.com/news/iggy-pop-josh-homme-matt-helders-perform-lust-life/#sthash.sOpb1Ass.dpuf
IGGY Pop performed ‘Lust For Life’ with his current supergroup featuring the likes of Matt Helders, Dean Fertita and Josh Homme.

Jumping out from backstage just like he did in his twenties, the 69-year-old legend performed the classic Iggy track for Jimmy Kimmel alongside other members of his current supergroup band.

The very special version of the track has been given the ‘Post Pop Depression’ twist, with members of Arctic Monkeys and Queens of the Stone Age in tow.

- See more at: http://www.tenementtv.com/news/iggy-pop-josh-homme-matt-helders-perform-lust-life/#sthash.sOpb1Ass.dpuf
IGGY Pop performed ‘Lust For Life’ with his current supergroup featuring the likes of Matt Helders, Dean Fertita and Josh Homme.

Jumping out from backstage just like he did in his twenties, the 69-year-old legend performed the classic Iggy track for Jimmy Kimmel alongside other members of his current supergroup band.

The very special version of the track has been given the ‘Post Pop Depression’ twist, with members of Arctic Monkeys and Queens of the Stone Age in tow.

- See more at: http://www.tenementtv.com/news/iggy-pop-josh-homme-matt-helders-perform-lust-life/#sthash.sOpb1Ass
Iggy Pop si skladbu "Lust For Life" vystřihl se svými slavnými kolegy Joshem Hommem a Deanem Fertitou (Queens of the Stone Age) a Mattem Heldersem (Arctis Monkeys) za zády. Právě oni tvoří páteř jeho aktuální superkapely, s níž natočil album Post Pop Depression.

Iggy Pop bude hlavní tváří Metronome Festivalu, který se uskuteční 25.-26. června na pražském Výstavišti.

Iggy Pop - Lust For Life

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